Felicia Wang
Hello hello! I'm Felicia and I love 3 AM conversations with strangers in the common room, snowball fights in snowstorms, slam poetry, and scuba diving. Tbh, I would rather be underwater rn. I am passionate about environmental conservation and promoting the arts. I also believe that people are inherently blank slates and am vehemently against putting people in boxes (such as with majors.)
L's Taken
"Thank you for applying but..."
oh, literally everything
every single Ivy + Stanford + MIT
every single boarding school I applied to except Taft (I applied TWICE too - I didn't get into anything the first year and just Taft the second year)
almost every internship I have ever applied for since high school, which is a number on the 10^2 order of magnitude
Global Leadership Institute program at Taft
Huang Fellows, Robertson, duArts FYI, the list goes on
Things I thought I'd finish but never did
a course on data science I started in high school
half of my blog posts and poem ideas
90% of the books people recommend to me
this poetry workbook I have - but I'm slowly getting there!
my linear algebra + topology independent study project senior year of high school - didn't even make it past chapter 2
Everyday L's of life
not getting enough sleep
eating anywhere between 0-2 meals a day because I forgot or I don't have time
not waking up early enough to workout/run and then not having time to do it later in the day
unintentionally skipping lecture because my brain is absolutely fried
forgetting to put something on my Anti-Resume so I had to text Sarah to add it after I'd already submitted it
On the Bright Side
Memories I made when I wasn't working/studying
Sunday night baking w the girls + Andrew + Dan
pretending our lives are a musical with Sophie Rees
Secret Hitler/cards/Ticket to Ride/frisbee with the high school friends
sitting on the ground with Abby Hjelmstad because we are both anti-table/chair
Things I've learned that will still matter in 10 years
TV shows, movies, and books I've enjoyed
Silicon Valley
South Park
The Good Place
The Queen's Gambit
Avatar: The Last Airbender
A Gentleman in Moscow
every MCU movie
The Overstory
everything my sister makes me watch/read with her because it's my little sister
Things I'm proud of that you won't see on my resume
our tent decorations + sitting first row at the Duke-UNC game this year even though we lost :( (tbh this is my biggest flex)
every time I make my friends laugh with my ridiculous antics and tom-foolery
everything my little sister does - all her dancing and martial arts and academic work and xc running, everything
raising my little sister - putting that girl to bed every night is perhaps the most exhausting, difficult task one can face
Things I want to get better at
jazz improvisation
painting people, especially faces
Things I'm looking forward to in the future
Small joys in my life
the weather in Durham is absolutely fantastic
all the TREES
the excitement I get when I wake up and realize that it's time to eat breakfast because I'm hungry af
bodies of water
my little sister's origami decorating my room
the sky
funky earrings
and TREES (did I say that already?)
Obstacle I've overcome
this really strange, niche type of anxiety where my body would not function before math competitions/exams
Things I've done that pushed me out of my comfort zone
join jazz band despite being only trumpet and one of two females, and not having picked up my trumpet in three years
start a painting commissions business
join xc in high school
join intramural ice hockey in high school
Failures that seemed like the end of the world back then but don't matter in hindsight
don't laugh but not qualifying for AIME freshman year killed me lol
every time I messed up in jazz band rehearsal last semester (was a lot!)
my first anxiety attack but now I know that no matter what I'll be okay :)