Sophia Li
My name is Sophia and I am from Toronto, Canada! I am in the class of 2025 and love learning about neuroscience, psychology, and visual arts. In my free time, I love to draw, sleep, dance, and write. I am also obessEd with personality psychology, all things red or pink, and taking pictures of exit signs.
L's Taken
"Thank you for applying but..."
Student government my freshmen year of high school
I'm sure there are others but I can't think of them at the moment because defense mechanisms blocked them out
Things I thought I'd finish but never did
Literally every single art piece
And writing piece
And every single project that isn't for school
Anything without a deadline really
It's a problem
Everyday L's of life
Currently in isolation and have terrible COVID symptoms
Often tripping walking UP stairs (and sometimes down)
Struggling to open heavy doors ie Wu, Bc, my dorm washroom
Forgetting to pay attention when someone is talking to me
Forgetting people's names as soon as they are said
Running out of food points but there is still two weeks of school left
My academic dean not replying to my follow-up follow-up email
Under-eye circles that won't go away
On the Bright Side
Memories I made when I wasn't working/studying
Things I've learned that will still matter in 10 years
TV shows, movies, and books I've enjoyed
Things I'm proud of that you won't see on my resume
Things I want to get better at
Things I'm looking forward to in the future
Small joys in my life
McDonald's egg and sausage biscuit when I have to be at Gross Hall at 8:30 am
CaFe's pistachio gelato
The way the light filters through the top of trees
Cherry blossoms at Duke
Typing in my favourite font
The way ink flows from my favourite pens
Instrumental strings to calm my nerves before an exam
The release of pressure after an exam
Trying to guess what a friend might say to say it with/just before them and watching the reaction on their face
Re-watching Studio Ghibli movies
Paying attention to my surroundings when I am walking
Not paying attention and letting my mind drift aimlessly
Breathing, existing, being alive
Obstacles I have overcome
Things I've done that pushed me out of my comfort zone
Joined debate club
Moved-in to Duke on my own
Gotten sick for the first time away from my parents and taking care of myself
Took a creative writing class
Joined a dance group
Failures that seemed like the end of the world back then but don't matter in hindsight
Ways I take care of myself
Unconventional skills
The C1 always stops for me :D
Do random things left-handed or right-handed depending on the hand I learned it with
Not do the reading for writing 101 and still raising my hand at least three times in class
Mind-reading (trust me on this)